Phase III:
Gadabout Transportation Services, Inc. is soliciting proposals from professionals with project management in Transit Technologies to guide Gadabout in its installation and implementation of technologies improving the operational efficiency, cost effectiveness, marketing, customer service, and satisfaction of its demand response para-transit service. This RFP is for the solicitation of Phase III (see section II Scope) of Gadabout’s Transit Technology Project. The Consultant is encouraged to present any alternative solutions to accomplishing the tasks identified in this RFP.
Download information and materials below:
Proposals for Gadabout Transportation Services, Inc. (Gadabout), Transit Management Technologies Consultant for project management of new technologies in scheduling and dispatch will be accepted at:
Gadabout Inc.
737 Willow Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850
up until 4:30PM on July 15, 2020.
Proposal packages containing submittal requirements are available at Gadabout (address above), by calling (607) 277-9388 ext. 200, e-mail at, and via website Printed RFP packages are also available through Gadabout.
Gadabout reserves the right to waive any informal submittal, or to reject any or all proposals and to negotiate with any proposer. Gadabout hereby notifies all proposers that in regard to any contract entered into, pursuant to this RFP, advertisement or solicitation, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response and will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award.
Addendum 1: Questions & Answers
RFP 20-01 Questions and Answers [Download the Q&A]
Question 1: Should item B. on page 7 read “Transit Management Technologies Implementation Assistance Task Specifications” instead of “Transit Management Technologies Procurement Assistance Task Specifications?”
Answer: Yes. Item B on page 7 should read “Transit Management Technologies Procurement Assistance”.
Question 2: In Item III. Contents of Proposals on page 9, the RFP states that one (1) original set and four (4) copies, on 8 ½” x 11” white paper, of the consultant’s proposal is required. Would Gadbout consider waiving this requirement given the limitations in hours of available printing and shipping establishments?
Answer: Gadabout will waive the additional copies required, but will still need one original copy for signatures.
Question 3: On the Official Proposal Form, there is a requirement for a company seal. If the proposing firm does not have a seal can the requirement for the seal be waived?
Answer: Yes. If a company does not have a seal this requirement will be waived.
Question 4: On the Price Proposal Form, it indicates that the proposer provides “A. Cost for Phase II as outlined in Section II Scope.” Should this read “A. Cost for Phase III as outlined in Section II Scope” instead?
Answer: The RFP should read “A. Cost for Phase III as outlined in Section II Scope.”
Question 5: On the Price Proposal Form, it indicates that the proposer provides an “Hourly Rate” along with other information. Is it okay if this is the Fully-Burdened Labor Rate (meaning that overhead and G&A is already added into the hourly rate)?
Answer: Yes. The proposer may list the fully-burdened labor rate which includes overhead into the hourly rate.
Question 6: Have Phase I and II already happened?
Answer: Yes. Phase I and II have already occurred.
Question 7: Is Gadabout willing to share the selected vendor for the IT Project?
Answer: Gadabout is currently in contract negotiations and not able to share who the vendor is at this time.
Question 8: Should the proposer include the additional time and materials or overall project cost?
Answer: Yes. The vendor should include time and materials cost for the project.
Question 9: Is Gadabout looking for other platforms for virtual meetings?
Answer: Gadabout currently uses Zoom and Free Conference Call for virtual meetings. We would consider other platforms should the proposer recommend one, however the proposer should still be able to work with one of the two that Gadabout currently uses.
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